About Education Work Experience Honors and Awards Papers & Publications Personal Projects Contact Me

Evan Fellman

I am currently a full time student enrolled at Carnegie Mellon University pursuing a Master of Computational Data Science and intend to graduate by the spring of 2024. I graduated from UMass Amherst with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with an Honors Thesis, a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with a concentration of Statistics and Data Science, and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. I am dedicated to learning more about the field of machine learning, evident by my passion for creating and developing programs, coursework, and employment history.


Carnegie Mellon University

M.S. Computational Data Science with a concentration in Machine Learning
expected graduation: Spring 2024

Course Work

💻 Foundations of Computational Data Science, Data Science Seminar, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Interactive Data Science

University of Massachusetts Amherst

B.S. Computer Science with an honors thesis
B.S. Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics and Data Science
B.A. Philosophy

Course Work

💻 Computer Science: Data Science, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Reasoning Under Uncertainty, Software Engineering, Databases & SQL, Computer Systems, Programming Methodology, Introduction to Computation, Data Structures, and Social Issues in Computing.
📈 Mathematics: Graph Theory & Combinatorics, Regression Analysis, Statistics I & II, Linear Algebra, Applied Linear Algebra, Computational Statistics, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Calc I to III.
🧠 Philosophy: Introduction to Philosophy, Introduction to Ethics, Intermediate Logic, History of Modern Philosophy, History of Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Political Philosophy, Metaphysics, Intermediate Ethics, and Plato & Aristotle.

Work Experience

Johns Hopkins University

 SCALE 2022

Research Scholar

Jun 2022 - Sept 2022
  • Using PyTorch, developed and trained a BERT based deep learning model that can better handle multiauthored documents
  • Developed a system to measure whether a set of Reddit posts have multiple contributing authors through analyzing the spread and clustering of embeddings generated from a BERT based model
  • Significantly beat the baseline through an accuracy of 96.5% when training and testing on a dataset that will only group posts that belong to the same subreddit and an accuracy of 99% when training and testing on a dataset that has no restrictions on how posts are grouped
  • When training and testing on the more difficult dataset and limiting the number of embeddings collected, my model achieved an accuracy of 91.95% with only eight embeddings from each group
  • Developed a model that is capable of detecting the number of authors that contributed to a set of documents
  • When training and testing on a dataset that contains documents that were written by one, two or three authors, my model achieved an accuracy of 90.85%
  • SCALE 2022 is not complete yet so we hope for more exciting results to report

University of Massachusetts Amherst

  InfoFusion Lab

Research Assistant

Jan 2021 - May 2022
  • Through my honors thesis, researched how to forecast the stage of Alzheimer's disease two years ahead
  • Developed FLARe, a system of neural networks to forecast Alzheimer's disease
  • Developed a method to quantify cortical shriveling, an indication of Alzheimer's
  • Cortical shriveling methodology increased the F1 score of the two year forecasting task from 0.7940 to 0.8119
  • Segmented out hippocampus from MRI scans and developed systems to analyze them via deep learning
  • Developed deep learning models using PyTorch and determined optimal hyperparameters using Ray
  • Developed model that achieved an F1 score of 0.85632 when predicting a patient's current diagnosis of Alzheimer's
  • Transferred learning from classification task with hopes to improve performance of the forecasting task

Click to see the lab's website

University of Massachusetts Amherst

 Amherst, MA

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Jan 2020 - May 2022

Artificial Intelligence and Programming Methodology

  • Received the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award four times for work ethic, enthusiasm, teaching ability and dedication
  • Created lecture content used by all Teaching Assistants
  • Created several problem sets with solutions and explanations for students
  • Provided academic support to students through leading lab sessions, holding office hours and the class forum
  • Graded assignments and exams


 Bedford, MA

Software Developer Intern

June 2021 - August 2021
  • Worked in an Agile system using React and TypeScript (JavaScript) as front end and Spring Boot (Java) as back end
  • Created an environment to test individual rules for insurance policies against example customer data
  • Tested application and fixed several bugs
  • Reviewed peer's code

Machine Learning Research Club

 Amherst, MA

Machine Learning Manager

Sept 2020 - Dec 2020
  • Led team of four using an Agile process
  • Implemented NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) to have a player properly navigate a 3D space in minecraft

Voya Financial

 Windsor, CT

Software Developer Intern

May 2020 - Nov 2020
  • Developed a parser/interpreter using Python to integrate new automation system
  • Automated F5 load balancing tasks
  • Automated tasks using Python with Ansible in Red Hat Linux


 Amherst, MA

Full Stack Web Developer

March 2019 - October 2019
  • Created an open source Dashboard web app (Ruby on Rails), used by other hackathons (Tech Together Boston)
  • Collaborated with co-developers to create and facilitate HackUMass, a hackathon and the largest student run organization at UMass
  • Managed audio, video, and live streams for all events and workshops
  • Developed & taught workshops in Functional Programming with Haskell & Programming with Python

Technology Club

 Boca Raton, FL


Jan 2017 - May 2018
  • Met biweekly to teach students about the fundamentals of Python
  • Developed course materials
  • Encouraged team problem solving and built camaraderie

Honors & Awards

Outstanding Undergraduate Achievement Award

May 2022

Manning College of Information and Computer Science

The top eight graduating seniors were chosen by the UMass Amherst College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS) to receive 2022 Outstanding Undergraduate Achievement Awards, the college's highest honor given to undergraduates.

Statistics Award

May 2022

College of Natural Sciences

For excellence in statistics and data science

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award

May 2020, December 2020, December 2021, May 2022

Manning College of Information and Computer Science

Received the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award four times for excellence, work ethic, enthusiasm, teaching ability and dedication.

Pat Oliphant Memorial Technology Service Scholarship Award

May 2018

Palm Beach County

Earned through my work in teaching peers Python in highschool

Papers & Publications

Personal Projects

Detection of Satirical Headlines

  • Implemented several machine learning natural language processing algorithms scratch using Python (tensorflow, sklearn)
  • Used dataset from kaggle, trained models to be able to detect whether a headline of an article is satirical
  • Implemented random forest, logistic regression, naive bayes, and a long short term memory (LSTM) neural network
  • Removed stop words, normalized data, and used bag of words to represent input data
  • Found that the long short-term memory model performed the best with an accuracy of 86%

NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies

  • Implemented the machine learning algorithm NEAT from scratch using Python
  • The neural network can learn to solve nearly any problem; currently looks at pixels to determine the color
  • Changes the topology, weights, and biases to better suit the problem
  • Compatible with other self-made projects

Braitenberg Vehicles

  • In a two dimensional environment, creatures compete for food
  • Creatures are controlled by the machine learning algorithm NeruoEvolution of Augmenting Topologies
  • When a creature hasn't eaten any food for a long time, it will die (disappear)
  • When a living creature eats enough food, the creature will spawn a child (mutated version of itself)
  • Over time through this process, the average living creature will improve at finding and eating food.

Neural Network Player

  • Implemented a machine learning strategy using neural networks from scratch using Python
  • Uses genetic evolution to learn to play the popular game, Flappy Bird
  • Fitness of each creature is measured by the distance traveled which is proportional to the number of pipes passed

Discord Bot

  • This program signs in as a user and does several tasks for other users
  • Modular system. People can easily fork my repo and create new files full of features for users to use
  • Saves data for each user it interacts wtih
  • It has an economy system where each user holds imaginary money that they can trade, invest in simulated stocks with, or gamble on several games

Platformer Game

  • Platformer game that utilizes Java and it's own physics and graphics engine
  • Multiple sprites with player interaction, including enemies with advanced AI
  • different areas of play; levels, self creation, or randomly generated levels

HaHa Track App

  • Android app currently available on Google Play
  • Press the button to play a randomized copyright free laugh track

Contact Me:

evan.fellman@gmail.com github.com/evanfellman linkedin.com/in/evanfellman